Forget ‘out with the old, in with the new’. Upcycling makes the old new again, from waste to must-haves. By adding value without adding new waste or spilling energy. We recreate and design a new purpose for each object, while maintaining its unique and authentic characteristics.

The only way is UP
IWAS searches for beauty in many kinds of wasted materials. Any tyre, bottle or coffee bag has the potential to become a real must-have. Our partners in India and Indonesia collect waste to avoid them ending up in the landfills.

Upcycling vs. recycling
The difference between upcycling and recycling? We creatively repurpose old materials like glass bottles, tyres and coffee bags, preserving their unique, original characteristics, simply by adding craftmanship and clever design. Recycling is an energy-intensive process in which products are broken down to their raw materials to be used as resources.